
Golem VM images and their usage explained

Golem VM Image

A Golem VM image is a virtual medium that contains libraries, tools, configurations, dependencies, and settings that are required to execute your tasks or services on a remote computer. The image is used to bootstrap the environment (VM) where those components are executed.

Execution environment

Golem's virtual machine runtime is currently the primary execution environment. This runtime allows provider nodes to run Docker-like images defined by Golem application developers.

A runtime is a binary used by the yagna service on provider nodes. A given runtime is responsible for deploying a certain type of payload (we have separate runtimes for VMs and for WASM code). In the case of Golem VMs, the runtime used is ya-runtime-vm.

Golem image creation

Golem VM images are based on Docker images that are converted using the gvmkit-build tool to the GVMI file format. The conversion brings a visible advantage to users. By using SquashFS we're significantly reducing the size of the images, thus saving file space and shortening the time needed to transfer the images to provider nodes. Another benefit is running images in VMs instead of running them as Docker containers, which provides a separation of providers and requestor data and processes.

The general process of creating a Golem image looks like this:

  • Define the image content in Docker format
  • Build a Docker image from the Dockerfile
  • Convert to Golem image using gvmkit-build (example)

See our Create Golem Image Tutorial on how to use the tool.

Publishing the image

Once your image is built and tested, you can push it to a remote repository so that it becomes available to providers within the Golem Network. Golem manages a freely-accessible repository that everybody can push into without any special requirements.

Golem image use

Any images that you intend to specify in your demand must be publicly available, so that the providers can download and deploy them. Therefore, you either need to publish them to our registry or host it yourself in a publicly-accessible location.

Within our registry, the images can be identified by their image hash or their tag name. The type of identifier depends on the way you publish your image and is driven by intended usage.

If you intend to use your image just for testing, it is enough to use the hashes and upload the images anonymously to the registry. On the other hand, if you intend to work on a more complex project, where you would like to use several different versions of your image or collaborate with other developers - you should consider creating an account in the registry and use tags to describe your images. Both cases are illustrated in our examples.

  • Publishing the image anonymously. (example)
  • Publishing the image using tags. (example)
  • Using the tag or hash in a requestor script. (example)

Dockerfile command support

All the Docker commands that are related to the definition of the image content are supported. So if you can build a Docker image from your Dockerfile, you should be able to convert it to a Golem image.

Please take into account the following points:


If your application requires transferring files to and/or from the provider node, you'll need to specifically define a place (or places) in the container's file system that will be used for file transfers. These places are called volumes.

Additionally, in the case of large files, it is recommended to generate and store them in directories defined using the VOLUME clause. In such cases, they are stored on the host's disk drive and do not consume the storage available in RAM.


When you define the image (in Dockerfile), do not copy your files into folders that are defined as volumes. When a Golem virtual machine is started, a new directory is created in the host's file system for each of the defined volumes. This directory is then made available inside the VM under its specified path (for example: /golem/input).


This will define the default directory to be used in shell commands sent to a remote computer once the VM is running.


Because of how Golem's VM execution unit works, Docker's ENTRYPOINT and CMD statements are effectively ignored. You need to pass the relevant initialization commands as part of the task sent to a remote computer as a part of your task function or use the beforeEach() method. See examples.

File system content

When you engage a provider, it launches an execution unit (a runtime) to run your VM image.

In Golem terms, such a singular launch on a provider is called an Activity. Activities are utilized to execute requestor tasks. Unless an activity is terminated, all subsequent tasks scheduled on the same provider use the same activity - meaning the same VM container with its history. Therefore, within the lifecycle of the Activity, the state of the file system is maintained. One consequence is that any file system changes - be it updates to volumes or other locations within the VM - performed within a single execution of a task, will still be present when subsequent tasks get executed.

See also